• WE DO Organization for Development!

Design of We Do Organization Projects

A specialized team in We Do Organization selects and prepares projects according to their needs assessment studies and surveys.Projects are prioritized based on emergencies and emer- gency response, most of which are concentrated in food security and protection according to the statistics and studies of the UN organizations in Yemen.


Small Enterprises Support Program

Our Small Enterprises Program: Fostering Entrepreneurship, Fueling Growth Explore the dynamic landscape of...

Training and Rehabilitation Program

Our Training and Rehabilitation Program: Empowering Through Knowledge and Renewal Step into the transformat...

Water and Environment Program

Our Water and Environment Program: Sustaining Nature, Nurturing Lives Discover the essence of WeDo Organiza...

Housing and Protection Program

Our Housing and Protection Program is dedicated to ensuring safe and secure living conditions for vulnerable p...

Cash Response Program

Our Cash Response Program: Providing Swift Aid, Empowering Communities* Step into the heart of WeDo Organiz...

Education Program

Our Education Program: Illuminating Minds, Building Futures* Embark on a journey of knowledge and empowerme...

who are we?

A non-political development and non-profitable organization,estah- lished to fight poverty and improve the living conditions of the poorest and most needy citizens. it consists of a group of young people who aspire to volunteer and humanitarian work to meet the humanitarian needs of many people in Yemen, whose population is mostly suffering from deteriorating humanitarian conditions as a result of war, conflict and successive crises which have exacerbated the need for the most basic elements of life and seek to alleviate the tragic reality in the country as a priority in humanitarian action, and in order to achieve greater goals in interact- ing with the community for sustainable development in partnership with regional and international support organizations and institutions in accordance with the international response to the reality of Yemen, which lives years of war and destruction and economic crises, a large proportion of the population To a low level helow the poverty line and the imminent threat of tamine..


Our Goals

Activate the role of activities

(social, economic and development) and develop their tools in ways and means that meet the humanitarian needs.

Contribute to the promotion of health awareness and education

in the community and targeting low-income people and contribute to the development and rehabilitation of the teacher and the organization of programs

Organizing training programs for orphans, the handicapped

tive families and those with special needs in education, vocational and health, and targeting and educating the marginalized.

No Poverty

- Eradicate extreme poverty. - Implement social protection systems.

*Zero Hunger

- End hunger and ensure access to nutritious food.

Good Health and Well-being

- Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. - Combat diseases and strengthen healthcare systems.

Quality Education

- Ensure inclusive and equitable education. - Promote lifelong learning opportunities.

Gender Equality

. *Gender Equality* - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Clean Water and Sanitation

* *Clean Water and Sanitation* - Ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all.

Affordable and Clean Energy

د - Ensure access to affordable and sustainable energy.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

- Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth. - Ensure decent work for all.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure* - Build resilient infrastructure and promote innovation.

Reduced Inequality

- Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

- Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

Responsible Consumption and Production

*Responsible Consumption and Production* - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Climate Action

*Climate Action* - Take urgent action to combat climate change.

Life Below Water

- Conserve and sustainably use marine resources.

Life on Land

*Life on Land* - Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies. - Ensure access to justice for all.

Partnerships for the Goals

- Strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development.

WE DO Organzation For development and Humanitarian aid

fodha foundation
yemen times  radio
start future for for counslting,training
Angela foundation
For all organization